I’ve been trying to reach God
For a while now: no answer.
He says nothing, He does nothing
And I am left here by myself
Wondering and worrying.
How could God lead thus far
Then leave me out here; cold, alone?
How can the Almighty not answer
My fervent desperate calls?
Why will the All-Powerful
Not perform when I sincerely asked?
Why will God let me down like this?
Food For Thought: How many of us are moving around with questions that only God can answer, questions we have probably posed to Him time and time again with no feedback? What do you do when you are doing all you can to reach Him but God does not respond? The disappointment feels worse when you have enjoyed communing with Him and suddenly, it seems the light is turned off; darkness and loneliness descends, no sound or sign of God anywhere around. At such times, what do you do? From experience, I learned that my inability to hear God does not mean He is not speaking. My failure to see Him does not imply He is no longer working out His purposes. When it appears God is silent, we are most prone to assume, say the wrong things and make the wrong moves. Desperate moments are when we feel most pressured to do the very things we are not in the best position to. That is when the slightest misstep lands in deadliest consequences. In such times when nothing appears to affirm His presence, it is best to be still that you may know. So long as we are reacting, running back and forth, doing things here and there to keep busy and stay engaged, crowding God’s apparent silence with activities, we miss out. That is the time to be still that we may learn to know. Do you know that whether He answers or not, it doesn’t change the truth that He is and remains God the Almighty?
Scripture: “It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear.” Isaiah 65: 24.
Prayer: Dear Lord, at those times when I try so hard to reach You and receive no feedback, help guide my heart to the right way to touch Your heart and hear Your voice, amen.