I woke up today with hope abounding
Rebounding in a world that grows darker.
Hope is all I have so I cling with all I am
Hopeful in my waiting: my change is coming
But like yesterday, today rolls quickly by
Like many days gone by, this too is going
While I am waiting, while I am wondering
Where to hang this dear hope for change.
Food For Thought: How do you respond to unpleasantness? You take it and walk away, smiling or grumbling, or you unleash fury in words and deeds. Some of us just lose it. What do you do when you have done all you know and nothing is changing? What makes sense in such times? God’s will or ours? What is the distance between God’s will and yours? Yesterday is past, let it go. Tomorrow is still on the way, let it be. Who and what are you measuring yourself against? How close are you to God’s purpose for your life today? What are you willing to give and to take to see it fulfilled: that is what keeps one going strong unto victory or weak unto defeat. Who has discovered God’s mind? No human can capture all of His thoughts but it is sufficient to know that His thoughts toward us are for good, for peace not for troubles, and though evil comes our way, God is capable and faithful to perfect what concerns us. I learned that after we have done all He asked, He asks for more patience. Don’t ever think that God is idle while you wait. He is perfecting things and will fulfill His part as you trust in His faithfulness. He is God no matter what and His Word holds in spite of all. He wants us to be true bearers of His image irrespective of happenstances, our lives reflecting His love; patient, kind, simple, humble, gentle, respectful, selfless, slow to anger, quick to forgive, forbearing, believing, enduring, hopeful and faithful till the end: that we extend to others, the same love with which He has loved us; love without barriers, without conditions. That we hang on when He says to and not throw in the towel because we don’t see what we expect.
Scripture: Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. Hebrews 10: 35.
Prayer: Dear Lord, even in those seasons, when it feels like every sun rises with disappointments, help me to never lose hope that my help from You is certain, amen.