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There’s no doubting that the times are dark, and growing darker still. That uncertainties are multiplying every day on every issue you can imagine. That we don’t know how all these will eventually play out. Naturally, these will tend to leave a many of us feeling hopeless in situations we feel helpless about. But in the midst of all that darkness and uncertainties, God opens a window to allow us a glimpse of what lies ahead. It is not just a dream, it is a peek into upcoming reality. It is not just a vision, it is also a revelation of that which will be. Why?

Every time God parts the curtains of the present and allows me to look beyond here and now, to see what He has coming, I am energized. Faith rises above doubt and courage silences fear. Every time I am privileged to catch a glimpse of His sure promises, flexing for manifestation, I feel a surge of joy that sweeps away worries and drowns the intimidations of my present circumstances. Every time I can hear clearly, the voice of the One who holds tomorrow, I am emboldened to believe that God is still in charge and that He will take care of me and my loved ones no matter what comes or goes.

Life wouldn’t be so hopeless for so many of us if we would get a peak into what God has prepared for us. For want of vision of the future, many are perishing in the vicious hands of fear. For want of hope, many are living less than God has called us to. This article is not to cast blames or trip anyone with guilt. It is understandably hard to thrive when darkness pervades and hope is missing in action. It is almost impossible to hear God when all our attention is on the news and events around us.

Until we learn to tune off all the noise around, we may not be able to catch that glimpse of glory that fuels our heart with hope. Until we learn to take our eyes off all that is going wrong around us, we may not notice all that God is making right for us. And until we allow God to part the veils of our current circumstances and allow us to peek into the future He’s lined up for us, we will continue to struggle, to wander and wonder about all that is wrong with the world and us. May we allow the One who holds our future to bless us with visions and revelations of those things which eyes have not seen, which ears have not heard, which others cannot imagine, which He has prepared and reserved for us at the appointed time. Amen.


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