I stirred and stared but the blanket of darkness
Wrapped its vicious arms around my feebleness,
A loathsome limitation to my manifestation.
I couldn’t see but I could feel its strangulation:
“For how long?” Mournful yet hopeful, I asked.
“Forever so don’t bother,” it maliciously mocked
But by divine providence or intrinsic instinct,
I pecked with the beak of faith, a ‘futile’ attempt
Until I noticed a tiny ray, forcing its way
Through that paltry point of contact: I bid it stay.
Delighted, I pecked again and again, untiring
In the face of mockery and drudgery, until radiance
Responded, announcing the dawn of my deliverance.
God never tires of working wonders in the lives of those who won’t give up matching their faith to their actions irrespective of discouraging times and trends. He is continually making new things out of the same old lives as we lay them down in trust, at His feet. He is working in us, both the will and the readiness, and with our cooperation, makes the impossibilities of yesteryears possible today. Nobody prevails by strength; the fastest doesn’t win the race, neither the strongest the battle, nor the smartest the richest. Knowledge and wisdom are keys that unlock the door so we can experience the wonders reserved for the willing and the obedient.
Knowledge abounds, yet not all of it is profitable. Towering above them all is knowledge and fear of God. Those who know the Almighty shall be strong, immovable, unstoppable and profitable in exploiting their circumstances to His glory. With knowledge comes power and confidence both of which can be abused and misused. Those who fear the King will know to walk the path of wisdom without crossing lines or shifting ancient landmarks.
Nothing restrains like the fear of God. I recall being severely tempted to cross a line recently. It didn’t appear as temptation. It was simply a rational decision I was making with a clear head until my brother popped up the question, “Gee, how can you even think of that, don’t you fear God?” The power in that singular question compelled me to rethink my rationalizations which nullified my earlier justifications. Knowledge can get to the head and lead astray but the fear of God keeps it and us on the right path no matter what – and that is what is hailed as wisdom.
Life is not about events as much as it is how we handle them– that either makes the end a bonus or a minus. Can you imagine the fate of an egg, exposed from conception? The shell could be a blessing or a barrier depending on your stage and viewpoint. The shell is an essential part of an egg. Nevertheless, individuals are bound to view it differently. Same hardness that protects the delicate insides of an egg may be considered a stumbling block that hinders the manifestation of an excited chick. Those who know God and understand the times will keep their eyes on the Maker and Keeper instead of comparing the hardness of the shell to the feeble life within. They will cooperate with God as He hides their vulnerability from a vicious world and not waste resources trying to crack the shell and get out. An immature chick will not survive if it escapes the shell before it should.
Not every disappointment is a bad deal. Some turn into tremendous blessings when handled with gloves of grace, becoming reference points we relish and cherish. Life is a mixture of everything, sometimes funny and some others, crazy. In our tender moments, God hides and nurtures us but a time comes when we must break out, spread our wings and learn to fly against gravity. It is unrealistic to live in a crumbling world and get alarmed when things fall apart. Our immunity in God preserves us from being soiled by the churning mess of the times we live in. It is not to eliminate the pressures to which all men are subject, and from which we have a sure safeguard – faith in the unfailing God. And nothing builds faith like our knowledge of God and His way. Nothing preserves us in the path of faith like the wisdom that is birthed and nourished by the fear of God.
You would be living a lie if you think difficulties wouldn’t arise. Hard times are normal parts of regular life. Yet, every day comes to you fresh. This is a new day, calling for a new attitude, a new approach even if it is to the same things of old. Those who are sensitive to the timings of God will wait until they have been made ready. They will know when it is time because like a miracle, they discover that their strength now surpasses that of the shell that once protected their vulnerability. Then they will peck the shell away and emerge; apt for the time, fit to stand, ready to run the race before them. While others are consumed comparing and complaining, those who are willing and obedient will smell dawn from afar and awake, arise, and embrace it. It’s a new a dawn.