He came so far, bent so low and laid it all down.
He could have lost it all, ended up lost as well
Yet in trust, He paid it all, going all the way.
God went to hell to place death beneath His feet.
He went to hell to free the bound and save the lost.
Without His birth, there’d be no death
Because He died, He rose, He lives to die no more.
Without resurrection, there’d be no Pentecost
His birth – genesis of new life, dawn of deliverance
Rising of the sun of righteousness over us all
Ushering in new hope and surpassing glory:
Because of Him, we live to die no more.
The annual Christmas fever is gathering momentum as the spending temperature of the majority gets to convulsive stages, manifest via frenzy shopping, trendy dressing, exotic decorations, entertainment, going places, having fun. To everyone, Christians and non-Christians, Christmas signifies celebration but the obvious question remains: what are we celebrating? The answer to that question is the key to how this season should be marked.
Are we celebrating the end of a fateful year, another opportunity to squeeze as much funds as possible off the fists of some stingy mates, time to get together and flaunt it if you got it? Christmas must truly mean much more don’t you think? Can we resolve this year, to make it a time for sober reflection as we search for a deeper meaning and better ways of celebrating the true gift and purpose of Christmas?
Following the eviction of Adam and Eve from Eden after the fall, God’s fatherly heart could not condone man’s eternal damnation. The Almighty had to save His creation. Christ accepted the responsibility to redeem humanity – He stooped down, stepped into time and space, clothed in perishable garments of flesh and blood. Today, we celebrate that the Father so loved the world that like Abraham, He set His only Son as the sacrifice for man’s redemption. Christ chose to humble Himself and become like man in order to bring to man, the key to salvation. The Holy Spirit agreed to indwell, fill, and lead the saved home. When we could not get to where He was, God came to us with all He had: this is worth celebrating.
The first Adam missed it and we shared in the consequences. The second Adam could have also but He did not and we are partakers of that victory. Tempted in every way, yet He lived and died without sin, leaving behind His footprints which continually testify that you and I can make it if we follow in His steps. That Christ defeated sin and death is worth celebrating and knowing that following closely, we can also, is an awesome reason to rejoice.
He didn’t have to die but He chose to. He was not the sinner, we were. Barely for the righteous would a man stake his neck, how much more a sinner? Yet He loved us enough to lay down His life in a divine exchange that transformed us from depravity to dignity- that’s a good reason to celebrate.
You can lavishly top up the list with other reasons that God has given you personally in view of all you’ve been through; life, health – this is the time to count them all. When you are done with your list, join me in this most noble conclusion, “Without His birth, there’d be no death, no resurrection, no salvation, no eternal life, for you and me and all mankind: thank God for Christmas!”
Let those who want to argue the history of Christmas and the appropriateness of dates go ahead. As for me and my house, in this season dedicated worldwide to commemorate the birth of our Savior, the reality of our salvation, we will celebrate. The result of this sober reflection should be a review of our celebrating styles, so that we do not rush out in ignorance to desecrate ourselves this period. Whether we eat or not, whatever we say and do, and wherever we go, may a sound understanding of God’s purpose for Christmas guide our mode of celebration in Jesus’ name, amen.
Merry Christmas!