I am not called to change
The world or anyone in it
Only one I can change is me.
I am not called because
I have or know any better
I am called because I was touched
By the life-changing-story Teller
Called by Him, to be like Him:
To tell not the story of another
I am called to tell my story of change
And to Him I will render account
Of how well I told my story of Him.
There are many people out there who are hardly appreciated for their sincere efforts. Instead, they are criticized and undermined for being vocal and visible about their walk with God. They are attacked not because whatever they shared is offensive, which makes no sense when weighed against the reaction. Someone who doesn’t like it felt offended. Someone who doesn’t want to be judged, “adjudicated” that what they shared wasn’t good enough. Someone who doesn’t like being condemned, “sentenced” their message unfitting.
It is discouraging when people who have never reached out, never acted like you’re there, suddenly show up throwing stones at you for telling your own story. You are not telling their story. Neither are you in anybody’s way of telling theirs. The world provides limitless platforms for everyone who wants to share. Still, it makes no sense when sincere efforts are not just unappreciated but are disparaged for no just cause.
It’s the same reason why people are growing increasingly intolerant while condemning others for not bearing with them. Everyone has a voice, feel free to use yours. If you don’t like the broadcast, tune off. If you don’t like what is preached, stay away, go where you like their message. If it is not for you, it may be for someone else. Find the one you enjoy and stay there and let those who like this one enjoy it without you shutting it down because you don’t like it. Honest people (pastors, workers, leaders, and helpers, normal every people) are being persecuted and demonized for their sincere services: that is not fair.
Yet, to this we are called. To tell the story of our walk with Jesus be it day or night, wherever we find ourselves, however we can, to whoever will listen. We do it because it is our calling. Not everyone will listen – our story is not for everyone anyways. And it is not our duty to fix people. We just tell what we know and God will use it however it pleases Him, in the lives of those He chooses. Don’t let the world that has no better news steal your Good News or stop you from telling the wonders of so great our God.
(To be continued)