What a tree, what a tree
We all gathered to watch
What a fruit, what a fruit
We all waited to eat
But wait, something’s off:
The tree and the fruit …
One is not like the other?
Can Good tree bear gross fruit?
Maybe, the fruits of Good tree
May be dented, spoilt or rotting
But as nature follows its course
Every tree bears its kind.
I just went through an experience where God asked me to do something I didn’t feel comfortable about. It wasn’t a bad thing but it just wasn’t something I’d typically do or want to get involved in. If I had my way, I’ll work it another way but God was asking me to take direct and specific steps I wouldn’t want to. I thought long and hard on how best to do it, I laid before my Father, conditions – things I felt He could help me with to make it more bearable to deliver on the task.
No, they were not justifications as to why it can’t be done. Neither were they set to excuse myself from something I didn’t want to do. They were laid out in the sincerity of my heart before a Father I love to obey and the God who cannot be mocked, the King who knows and owns our hearts. For some of us whose lives are totally sold out to God, hesitation is not for lack of faith or due to distrust for God but arises from fear of confronting something we would rather avoid. The Lord who understands the fears that breed such hesitation to obedience, understood more than my words and fears could ever say.
God stood up and held me, from the beginning to the end of that assignment. When it was all done, Abba said, “Well done. Finished in time! Ridiculous obedience attracts ridiculous rewards….” I thought I had delayed but I checked and it was executed exactly to time. I turned to Him and said, “Abba, I can’t take credit for that. You helped me every step of the way. You helped me to obey You!” It reminded me of the Scripture: “For God is at work in you. He helps you want to do it. And He helps you do what He wants you to do.” (Philippians 2:13, WE)
In times like this, I am so grateful God is not man that judges by our speeches and actions. He judges our hearts because that is where we are who we are and that is the place obedience and rebellion is decided. Remember the parable of the 2 sons who said one thing to their father and eventually did different things (Matthew 21:28-32). What we are is on the inside, what we do is on the outside. The execution is not the problem with God, it is the being and that is what God judges. Our doings proceed from our being and God wants us to be, not just to do.
God is more concerned with who we are than what we do because it is who we are that determines what we do on an enduring basis, not vice versa. When the heart is right, the body will follow and though it misses its way once in a while, it will always get back on the right track because that is who it is. But when the heart is wrong, it can do all the good it wants, it all remains an act, a phase that will end sometime because nature must follow its course. May you be all that God desires so that all you do will line up with His will and plan for you. Amen!