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I came seeking
And in seeking, I found
I came knocking
And to my knock, the door opened
I came asking
And to my request, I received.
In it all, there’s a part for me
And there’s a part for God
Every time I followed in obedience
I realized God is always on the lead.

God’s will is not hidden from us. God’s will is revealed in His Word to us. If we want to know God’s will, we have to start by reading the Bible. If we want to hear God speaking His will to us, we have to start by learning to talk to Him. Not just shooting off prayer requests but spending time to ask questions, to pour our hearts to Him, to praise and to worship Him. If we want to live God’s will, we have to start by obeying what the Word of God says. If we learn and live the everyday will of God as found in His Word, we build ourselves to discern the unknown will when it is revealed to us. And God is more willing to reveal it to the willing and obedient than we are reaching to know.

To find and live God’s will, like everything else in our walk with God, does not come by accident. There is no ‘insta-access’ to it. It requires commitment and it takes time which is why our ‘quick-fix-generation’ is falling for false preachers and prophets –we don’t want to make that seeming “expensive” investment to find it for ourselves. Doesn’t that make you wonder, if someone won’t pay the price, what’s the guarantee they will value the prize when it is found? We’d rather pay whoever claims to know it so they can tell us. The same thing Israel did with Moses: No we don’t want to come close, you go hear from God and come tell us and we will do as He says. And of course we know that they kept going their ways instead of God’s. I don’t blame false preachers and prophets, God will judge them in His time and way. I blame my gullible generation that will swallow whatever is shoved down their throats in the name of God. Still, it is possible to know and live God’s will on a consistent basis.

If you are really serious about knowing and living God’s will, maybe it’s time for you to settle down and begin to invest in building your relationship with the One who knows it all. It’s time to pay the price of following God by being intentional in your search for Him. Learning discipline in spending time with God pays inestimable dividends, not only for our personal walk but also for us to positively influence the lives of those He brings our way. No, it’s not instant, but it is possible because those who seek, find. Those who ask, not just by mouth but through their undistracted and unhurried devotion to God are the ones who get answers. And however the answers come, they don’t miss it because God teaches us in the place of faithful commitment, to discern what is God’s and what is not, to tell between what is ours and what is not.

Finding and living God’s will should be a norm for every child whose goal is to live God and live for God through all that comes their way. It is not something you find when you need it, it is something that is developed over time and lived without struggles for the willing and obedient. We improve our ability to find and live God’s will by growing our relationship with God. It is like building a relationship with someone. The more you know them, the better you can tell what they would approve or disapprove. The more committed you are to them, the easier it is to align with their ways. The more we invest in the relationship, the better we can understand the other person, the more we can tell where we stand, and the stronger our confidence walking the path we have to. We may not specifically hear “The Word” or have clear cut instructions from God concerning a matter. We may not understand at the time, which way is best or not. But if we have made that choice to walk with God every day and every way He leads in obedience, God will always order the path of the righteous in His will.

(To be continued February 7, 2020)

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