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Times are tough, my knee hurts
I need to rest it but the Sun is calling
I’m trying to heal but sunshine won’t stop calling;
Calling my name, calling me out of the somberness
Of winter. Spellbound, I can’t help conceding:
I am helplessly attracted, hopelessly in love
So healing must come with me for I’ll wait no more:
I won’t keep the Sun waiting. Out I must go, answer
I must, this new love that won’t stop blazing my name
In irresistible colors. We meet only if I step past my pain
And fears, outside my comfort is where comfort awaits.
In embrace that washes all over me, the sun hugs me
Wrapped in warmth, we soak in oneness, unashamed
In nakedness neither of us can find save in each other
As we step out of all that holds us back, away from all
That keeps us down, farther from all that hides and hurts
And keeps us apart, claiming we are not ready yet.
When we dare, we come face to face, and we dance
To the music of melting snow and running waters
Singing to the harmony of chirping birds, turned
A symphony by the wind. We fuse in t
his profound
Romance of discovery and healing, g
rowing roots
Growing wings, in exclusive oneness: the sun and I.


The greatest growth spurts are experienced during tough times that are rightly discerned and meaningfully utilized. Losses and death are not the only things that happen during difficult times. Changes occur beneath the struggles and growth happens that may not be noticed until light dawns upon our darkness. Terrible things may happen during tough times, but it does not always end badly. In fact, when we keep God at the center and as the focus of our experiences, we emerge better from the very things that turn others bitter.

Like sunrise follows every sunset, so dawn will always terminate the reign of darkness. Like spring follows winter, so joy will spring from sorrow and celebration will overshadow grief. It may take time, but God is an expert at raising beauty out of ashes. Instead of worrying over things we cannot change and fretting over what we can’t help, why not allow God to use this time to prepare you for what is ahead? When we fret and fear, we lose not only time but also the blessings that go with that season. But when we trust and follow God in obedience, He uses even what is labeled as the worst of times to prepare us for the best seasons of our lives.

Wherever you may be today, whatever your situation, I want to encourage you to get ready to roll in the goodness of our faithful Father because after this long night, we have His definite assurance that joy is coming in the morning. The Sun is rising with healing in its wings and He is calling your name: listen. Can you hear God calling you to get ready for what He’s got coming for you? May you hear His voice. May you obey His bidding. And may you be ready for what God has prepared for you. Amen.







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