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I was thoroughly looking forward to my trip but I realized when the time came to leave, I felt reluctant. Exhausted and too tired for adventure, I longed to crawl into bed and sleep the days away. The thought of going so far all by myself in addition to several challenges lined up at that time made me sober to leave – but I had to. Having tried all I knew, I had dropped every issue on Abba’s laps and did not want to bother about anything anymore.

While waiting to join the shuttle bus to the airport, a lady walked up to me and we exchanged pleasantries. She was traveling with her husband for vacation and asked where I was headed. As soon as I told her, she lighted up and shared how visiting that country was her best vacations. I just stood there watching while she listed places to visit, things to do and all that – my brain was too tired to take in the information. Without realizing it, God had used an unknown saint to light up excitement within my tired soul. Before we boarded the bus, I told her, “You are God sent, thanks for that!” We hugged and parted.

Meanwhile just before lunch, a lady friend had asked where I would be staying and I mentioned that I couldn’t confirm my reservation since there was a problem with my card. My plan was to take a taxi from the Airport straight to the hotel I had reserved or find the closest one nearby if they hadn’t room. She went, “No way! It’s not right for you to go that far without a sure accommodation. We have to get you a place.” Like a joke, this busy bee abandoned everything she was working on and went hunting for hotels.

I tried to discourage her but she wouldn’t give it up. I left for lunch while she sat there searching. She found a cheaper place, was ready to pay with her card but I was reluctant to accept the help I desperately needed because I just didn’t want to bother anybody. I had a different currency from the one she was going to pay with and she said not to bother, pay me when you get back. She found out she didn’t have her card but refused my offer to drive her to her place to pick it up. Instead, she called up a taxi and as at the time I left for the airport, she wasn’t back. I would have missed the bus if she had let me take her and that would have meant trouble.

At the airport, this other lady found me out and started all over again. As if God told her, she took out a paper and wrote down all the places I should visit and things to check out, including meals and pastries, everything you can imagine. I put the note in my pocket and we clung to each other. Guess her parting words, “Be careful, let no one take advantage of you. Keep a smile and everyone will be willing to help you.” That saint walked away without realizing what God had used her to accomplish in my faith and courage when I needed it most.

Meanwhile the friend in the office was still all over the place, recruiting all the help she could get to find me a good and well-priced hotel because the previous one was taken by the time she got back. When her call eventually came through, not only did I have a place, she saved me over $200 because her deal was cheaper, at the center of town and very close to all the places the second saint had recommended. Close to my destination, I took out the list the second saint had made, it was a long one but the ending had me smiling and wondering because next to a smiling face she hurriedly drew was penned, “Be careful, keep a smile, you are God’s delightful daughter.”

How close could God have come? How did she know? I had said nothing about me, my faith or state of mind. Yet, in places and times when I needed it most, even without asking, God used least expected saints to reach me, to touch me, to lift me, and let me know that He is always there for me. In my lowest moment, when I was so down and out, God had it all planned to ensure that every need, visible and invisible, was catered for.

You might be feeling like I did, worn and weary with an overflowing to-do-list. Perhaps you’ve tried all you know and nothing seems to work. I just want to let you know that like Haggai rightly said, “There is a God that sees us,” even when we neither see nor feel Him. He is our very present help in times of need. It is okay to do what you can, what about those you can’t? He is able, He is near, and He can be trusted to take care of His own. For the rest of this week, no matter what it is or where it is coming from, turn it all over to Him and trust Him to handle them perfectly; He is our Father, He is our Friend, He is our Help, so go ahead and cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you.

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