Behind seeming ugly scenes,
Twisted fates and horrid sounds
Of life’s events, there is God
So dear and so near when all is out of sight
So true and so dependable when all else falls apart
So real and so wise when nothing else makes sense.
There is God who measures the tears of the broken
Gathers the dust of the fallen, weighs the fears of those
Left behind, and puts shattered pieces together for good.
Times may fail, things may fall short but this God
Who never changes, never fails, and never lies
Is never taken unawares, and is never late.
Yes, love may depart and leave us cold
Life snatched away when we least expect
But this God is ever there, ever near, ever here
Scrupulously squeezing good out of every ill
Recreating beauty out of trodden ashes
And making melodies of unutterable grief.
So when darkness engulfs my morning sun
And life strikes suddenly below the belt
I will fall into the hands of this God
Who exploits tragedies to set me for eternal goals
Ready to live and not compromise the higher life
Yes, He turns it all around for His greater glory.
What do you say to a man whose sun set in the middle of the day? How do you console a woman whose joy was snatched and crushed? What is the fate of those who were sent ahead before we were ready to let them go? Who will care for the shattered remnants left behind? Questions upon questions, whose answers may never be fully discovered on this side of eternity. I have been there, no words and no touch can fill the gaping hole that sucks from within.
Yet, in the face of the overwhelming sorrows of the tragedies where loved ones are snatched from us without goodbyes, for no fault of theirs, let us remember that there is God whose comfort makes us comfortable comforters. Tough as it may seem, may we keep our hurting hearts bare so He can soothe us with the healing balm of Gilead. To everyone who has and will suffer loss, may God’s grace and peace preserve, and keep you safe and sane, amen.