We rush to write off too much, too soon
Hasty to judge, quicker to conclude.
Doors shut in adamant opinions, forbidding
Second chances, rejecting others, denying
Opportunities in the womb of new dawns.
Wisdom eludes those who won’t pay attention;
In their hurry, they worry to no avail.
Those who strive to learn compassion
Understand grace, appreciate mercy;
Ready to receive, free to share, easy
On the weak, handy with the strong.
In this New Year, be slow to speak
Slower to judge, slowest to conclude.
Test before you taste, stop before you act
Think before you speak, don’t forget
Second chance is free, for you and for all:
With the scale you weigh your brother
You will be weighed by another
If you can’t take it, don’t give it.
As often as you can, give another
Chance to succeed where once they failed.
Food for Thought: I suppose it is because the world doesn’t give us much chances to succeed that we resist when occasions demand that we give that to another. Our constant state of hurriedness is dictated by the numerous pressures we have to put up with. Someone ran into my car and made a big dent that could have hurt me if not for God. In the course of investigation, he was so irrational, threatening and intimidating when he was asked to apologize to me for his unruly behaviors. God helped me stay calm and pursue the path of peace instead of claim and fight for rights that would have further complicated a bad situation. At the end of the day when it was all resolved, the young man came to me and apologized, in front of all those involved in the investigation. It wasn’t the apology that touched me, it was his excuse for his behavior, “. . . you know I’m dealing with . . ., that’s why . . . .” Truth is, we are who we are in spite of what we are going through. What is on the inside is forced out when we are under pressure. We deny that it is who and what we are because they are often not pleasant and that tendency to excuse the obvious keeps us from working on something that is begging attention, calling for change. Excused, unattended as they show up, such attitudes have the ability to ruin lifetime opportunities. There is no one who is not under pressure so we shouldn’t use ours as an excuse to undermine others. We all miss the mark time and again. Rather than make excuses, we should own our errors and give ourselves another chance to succeed where we failed. Until we own it, we won’t face it. If we don’t face it, we can’t address it. And until we address it, there will be no change. We must not forget to do the same for others who fail us: forgiveness makes it easier for us to allow ourselves and others another chance to do better in places we failed or were disappointed.
Scripture: But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1: 7.
Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to continually walk in Your light that allows me to be gracious and merciful to myself and to others, just as You have been to me, and just as I would want others to be to me, amen.