I thought He’d be surprised when I stepped out
I’ve been watching without His knowing but
As He bent down to pick me up, as He lifted
And swung me around in sheer joyfulness
I wondered- He wasn’t at all surprised! Did He
Know I was there all that while, battling
Benumbing fears and doubts? Did I really
Stumble into Him whom my heart longs for so;
Whom my heart for now and always will love,
Honor, yearn, and adore or did He intentionally
Come my way? Did He purposely come for me?
How did He know where I was? How did He know
I was itching again, this time, for love, for Him,
For home? I thought in my endless wanderings
I stumbled into Him but in truth, The Shepherd came
Looking for me: He came to find and save the lost.
Food For Thought: The things that we often think we discovered actually discovered us. We think we were lost until we found God but in truth, it is God that finds the lost. How can a man who doesn’t know his way find what he doesn’t know? How can a man who doesn’t even realize the full extent of what was lost find what he doesn’t truly know? People see truth and pass the other way not because they have chosen to ignore it. A lot of times, they don’t know truth until their eyes are opened and then they go, “Wow, is that what it is?” A lot of people do not see though they have two eyes. There are many ears that pick sounds but can’t tell what they hear. And there are many hearts that can’t discern between right and wrong: everything is same-same to them. That is why we need eyes that see and recognize, ears that hear and understand, heart that is open and free to know and willing to do. Without these, a lot will pass through life without realizing that life passed them by while they were busy seeking to find and live it.
Scripture: Although I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an insolent man; but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. Timothy 1: 13.
Prayer: Dear Lord, I know Your love can save the world yet Your love is not after the world: Your love pursues me passionately, endlessly: may I stop and embrace it with all I am and all I have, amen.