“Put me down precious Lord, I’m filthy and stinky
Lest I smear Your righteousness.” But He laughed
Shook His head and went His way rejoicing. “Why
Is He so happy?” I wondered. I was more a problem
Than help when I was home. Why did He come this
Far to find me? Why is He so delighted to find me?
I beheld joy brimming, spilling from Him: Shocked
That I am the cause of His joy. “I am sorry dear Lord,
For ever straying, for lusting, for letting You down.
Forgive O Shepherd of my soul.” His face retained
That perpetual smile, “I know,” He acknowledged,
“We’re going home.” Solemnly, I bowed my heart
In adoration. At last, I rested in admiration
O what a Shepherd! O what a Savior!
Food For Thought: What would we do and where would we be without the mercies of God! People like me may not be here today if not for that. The goodness of God shines the brightest in the light of His mercy. Thank God for His mercies! When our failures are weighed on the scale of justice, we are condemned but on the scale of mercy, we are redeemed. When we fall so short, God reaches so far in order to touch and save and restore us. He doesn’t have to do it, yet He never tires of doing it. For us, God will go any length. For us, God will give up so much. He has done it before. He is still doing it. And He will continue to do it for us because of His everlasting love toward us. When I think of His mercies, I marvel: the world and their gods demands justice, only God can show us mercy. Only God can love us like this. Only God can show us mercy, especially in times and in places where we least expect. We will not be who and where we are today if not for His mercy. Thank You God for Your mercies toward us!
Scripture: Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. Lamentation 3: 22.
Prayer: Dear Lord, I have no hope on earth but You, none else in heaven but You: now and forever, be my hope, my home, my all, amen.