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Unable to get out, I thought I was safe
In my seclusion, on His operating table
But every side I turned, there were voices,
Turning out of nowhere, tuning up so high
I couldn’t tune them off my mind. I felt
I had no choice, constrained as I was
But to listen to strange voices, uttering lies
That sire disappointment and resentment.
I decided to fight back so I started talking
But voices don’t listen, don’t care for truth.
I raised my voice, they went even higher
I screamed but theirs rose above mine
Then I realized, I can’t fight strange voices
With empty words: I can’t beat lies with ideas.
I need more than my thoughts and wishes
I need to embrace, to know and be known
To wear truth for light fights not darkness:
When truth shows up, d
arkness dissolves.

Food For Thought: It is not only those, constrained into aloneness by their situations that feel lonely. We can be surrounded by a crowd and yet feel alone. When the door of our heart is shut, in fear, doubt or even in the name of faith, people can mill around but nobody gets into or comes out of our inner places. They are locked out and we feel that we are the ones locked in. The world can’t lock us in or out. Yes they may ignore us, revile us, hate and disrespect us but they don’t have what it takes to shut us out. We are the ones that shut others out and shut in, we feel deserted. Shut in, alone, help appears so far away if not out of sight and nonexistent. Voices of discouragement rise and rise as we sink and sink. At such times, it may not be that easy to step up and open the door we had knowingly or ignorantly shut. But if truth abides within, then there is hope for only truth can silence lies. The truth within will arise if allowed, to throw open the doors we shut on ourselves and are now unable to open, so that fresh air and light and love can reach us and touch us once again. God’s word is truth that delivers; light that frees us from the shackles of darkness; salt that preserves us in a rotting world. Like the treasure it is, we appreciate when we fill our hearts with the Word of God.

Scripture: For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6: 12.

Prayer: Dear Lord, guide my heart to know, and my fingers to fight, all that come against me: Your way, not mine cos I’ll never win my way, amen.

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