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Sitting in the dark, chewing on my nails,
For how long I don’t know
Sitting in the present, brooding through the past,
The future I don’t know.
Sitting while I’m wanting, waiting in my yearning
For how long I don’t know
Sitting in the now, reaching deep within
For a future I don’t know
Sitting and itching, holding off scratching,
For how long I don’t know
Sitting in the waiting, looking to the One,
Who alone, times and seasons, lords.


One of the toughest lessons in my years of walking with the Lord is “Waiting on the Lord.” And it seems like time crawls tortuously when you are waiting. I guess it’s because I am a doer: I like to get out and do it. Once I am convinced an idea is from God, it’s enough for takeoff, we’ll figure out the rest along the way. Funny enough, I don’t extend that to my personal or professional life. I have to have clear direction, well worked plan, and strategies before I even start. However, with God, a word is enough because I am confident, “He will not let me fall.”

Well, I confess that despite my fervent faith, I have fallen many times and probably still will as I learn to move from the extremes of just running off with an idea and sitting until I have all the details worked out before proceeding. I am learning to trust God in the little and big things, to discern the times and seasons, and like sons of Issachar, to discover the right thing for the right time and do it the right way. I’ve been learning many years in hope of attaining but now I know better: so long as we are on this side of eternity, learning is a crucial and never-ending part of everyday life. So now, my heart is reset, to keep learning, the endless ways of the Ancient of days.

So here I am again waiting, itching to scratch, but learning to wait for scratch-time. I don’t need to be told that if you scratch too soon, you hurt longer than the momentary relief – been there, done that – check. I should know better, but knowledge is one thing, wisdom – which is walking in line with the truth you know, is another story altogether. And so in times of waiting, knowledge is not enough. When zeal drives the vehicle of knowledge, accidents occur, some of which are irreversible, and we may never reach the target. However, when wisdom steers the wheel, it marries routing to timing and delivers safely at the destination.

If you are like me, sitting and itching, when all you want to do is head out and deal with it, let your decisions not be guided by what you know and how you feel. Look around, think again, and let understanding and wisdom be your companions in such a time as this. Until you get clearance from above, wait because despite my many hasty adventures, I can confidently confirm that those who wait on the Lord are duly equipped in the place of waiting, to soar against all odds and arrive safe and sound, not battered and spent, unable to enjoy the reward. Wait when God says so. It pays to obey: I am a living proof.




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