Like sands washed back and forth
So good and bad times come and go
So friends and family come and go
So position and possession come and go
So dreams and desires come and go
So all in life, coming and going;
Everyone, coming and going
Everything, coming and going
Even time, coming and going
If not for God who never leaves
Who never fails and never changes
I would be forgotten, buried
In the womb of shifting sands.
Food For Thought: When we are in a great place in life, we want it to become our eternal norm. But as the earth revolves, Job said that man on this planet is bound to troubles. Nothing here is permanent; not the ones we love, not the things we gained, not the times in which we live. Change is continuous. Something is always changing within and around us. If you think otherwise, wait until you lose a beloved. Divorce is tough but cannot be compared to death that snatches without our consent, without even as much as an alert. You turn and the one who once was there is no more and never again will be. I have always known this life is temporal but in the faces of unwarranted losses to death, the temporality of life and all about it was permanently etched in my mind. Take whatever life gives you, enjoy it the best you can while you can because you just never know. Life is shifting, times are shifting, people are shifting, things are shifting, on continuous basis. You never know what is coming or going next. In times like this, hold onto God who alone has promised never to leave us alone no matter what.
Scripture: “For I am the Lord, I do not change; therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob.” Malachi 3: 6.
Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to recognize that You alone are everlasting, that I am of You, that this earth is not my home, and that everything here fades with time, amen.