Tired of this boring sameness
That now my uniform is
I prayed fervently. I called to God
Who answers sincere cries:
I asked for change of all around.
Suddenly, I sensed shivers – routine
Sameness that brewed my comfort
Quaking; breaking up, falling apart
I wailed, “God save me!” He responded,
“I answered your prayer, get set child
Change is coming your way.”
Food For Thought: Life dispatches surprises every day that sometimes we observe, sometimes we miss; sometimes they delight, sometimes they disappoint; sometimes we understand, sometimes we are clueless; yet every single thing each day delivers is somehow connected with where we are coming from and where we are headed. When we get the connection, it makes sense. Depending on our disposition at the time, we stand tall, ready to make the most of it. When we miss the link, we wander from the course and suffer the loss of something that would have been beneficial. In truth, life throws nothing strange at us. Even the things we consider odd are somehow connected to our desires. They are mislabeled because we don’t recognize them for what they are. Our lack of recognition rises from the missing link which we have failed to see. Life is a series that flow from one to the other. Discernment, wisdom and understanding keep us in the flow so we can make the most of every twist and every turn. Disconnected we miss, we lose and the changes that would have led to fulfilment leave us in pits of despair.
Scripture: Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. Hebrews 12: 28.
Prayer: Dear Lord, when Your answer to my prayer comes, disguised as problems, let me not lose hope: let me not lose my answers, amen.