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Left or right, which way to go
Up or down, which is faster
“Go with the crowd,” chant my peers
“Go with your gut,” says my heart
Still confused, so here I stand
Who to believe, which way to go
Their way? My way? God’s way?

Knowing and living the will of God starts with our day-to-day interactions with God and His Word. What does God’s Word say concerning a situation? That is His will for that situation. If we can obey His clear instructions that we already know, God will guide us in areas we don’t know. If we are faithful in obeying His Word, God will use our everyday steps of faith and obedience to guide us in those difficult and cloudy times that we are not sure which way to go.

Sometimes God’s direction comes clear and we can plan and take confident steps towards where we have been guided. Some others, we have to take the steps of faith we know and through doors that are opened or closed, we learn as we continue to discover and live God’s will for us. The best way I have learned to find and live God’s will is to give my best to whatever is at hand, wherever I find myself in obedience to God’s command that we do all things as unto Him. I wouldn’t give less than my best to God. Besides, I have also learned that where we are and what we do today, is connected to where God is leading us next.

One example that just flashed back was a property I wanted to buy like 4 years ago. It was a great place, in an equally great location. The acquisition was for a good cause and I should have enough funds to take care of it but I found out my money was slightly short. I made an offer that was not accepted. I was planning to make it up with some incoming fund but guess what? The fund didn’t come in as expected and someone else bought the property. At that point, I concluded as usual: that despite the great intentions for the place, it wasn’t God’s will for me.

Today, I was chatting with someone who was involved in that transaction and he told me the property was marked unsafe last year. Not only did the buyer sink in so much to acquire and renovate the place, now he has to deal with emerging issues with government officials, fund the demolition and rebuilding of something that seemed such a great prospect only a few years ago. How could I or anyone have known that this was a devourer in disguise if not for God?

Finding and living God’s will is something we have to learn as a matter of choice: day-by day choices. It is not something we aspire to learn and to do once in a while. There has to be that intention to do what we know as we trust God to reveal what we don’t yet know. A resolve to obey God no matter what. If we are disobedient with the evident, it will be deception to pursue the peculiar. What are you going to do with it? Disobey it as usual? Revelation is for action. If we do not obey the ones we know, we inadvertently disqualify ourselves from receiving more especially in the areas that appear unknown.

To be continued (December 20, 2019)



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SoarwithGlory is dedicated to personal and professional development. We support talent development and management for individuals and groups through training and programs promotion. Our unique and customized management strategies are designed to identify talents, and work closely with them to support the advancement and accomplishment of lifetime goals. read more

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