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We meet many on our journey whose claims
Are fatter than facts, whom greed has robbed
Of genuine affection: distractions t
hey are
Out to sway our will their way. Predators,
Wolves in sheep clothing, not easily spotted
But th
e discerning shall escape their traps
Helped by the
 Spirit: unfailing internal alarm.
Their hunting shows may shine smooth, taste nice,
Roll straight but that silent alarm keeps us wary.
Their cares grow, but never beyond their belly
Every person or passion is feast on their plates
Their destiny begins and ends today. It’s all
About what they can pilfer, by hook or crook
They give no hoot; tomorrow is always too far
Patience too expensive for their insatiable
Scheming is their tool, scamming their skill –
Of such beware. God allows all plant until harvest
Wheat for the barn, t
horns for burning: let no thorn
Sway, scorn or scare you. 
Don’t grow weary
Don’t you worry, l
et thorns be. Don’t give up: live!
Live your best, let God deal with thorns.

Food for Thought: There are some things that we have to go look for to find them and some others that abound wherever and however we turn. Whereas good appears scarce and hard to find, evil is everywhere we go, beckoning, doing all it can to distract and derail us from the right path. Evil shows up in different forms, often appearing as good, for good, through means often unexpected. People we look up to could become the sources of our downfall. Things that stirred hope in us and once seemed to build our faith could turn to avenues of temptation and weakness. Our focus should be fixed on Christ who died for us. Every other is subject to failure and may fail at some point. Not because they want to disappoint us, it is the nature of creation – we all miss it. Despite our noble intentions, we all wear and tear. Christ alone is our model, every other is transient and should not be allowed to diminish or extinguish our faith in God. We have no excuse for allowing ourselves to be discouraged or distracted. Irrespective of who and what we meet along the way, God calls us to be responsible and accountable, and through all, to strive to be like Christ. Our hope and trust should be anchored on God and not on any other. As we trust Him and discharge our duties, He will take care of things that we can’t so our journey is not hindered, our mission not derailed.

Scripture: That you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you. 1 Thessalonians 4: 11.

Prayer: Dear Lord, as You teach me to mind my own business, help me to be diligent and persistent in my pursuit of You and Your will: to not be discouraged or distracted by any other, amen.

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SoarwithGlory is dedicated to personal and professional development. We support talent development and management for individuals and groups through training and programs promotion. Our unique and customized management strategies are designed to identify talents, and work closely with them to support the advancement and accomplishment of lifetime goals. read more

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