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Every day you wake up, wash your face
With gratitude, gargle with grace, adorn cloaks
Of hope, shoes of confidence, g
et out, face the day
And whatever it serves. T
ime minds its business
So you can mind yours. 
Whatever happens
Blame no one or time: get up and keep moving.
If day breaks with sunshine: smile, keep moving
If it dawns with frowning clouds, fits of slapping rain
And stressing gale: w
ait it out, then keep moving.
These elements are not for or against any but about
Their business: be about yours. Time and weather
Are but messengers s
ent to help you define purpose
And refine passion. 
They teach you to marry sensitivity
To proficiency, d
iscern between substance and shadows:
The beauty of priorities and persistence. Whatever
A day serves, you can 
build walls or bridges with it.
Make the most of what is served: keep moving
There is no greater power to stop you than the One
Who is able to keep you moving, one step at a time
One day as you go, until you reach destination.

Food for Thought: Distractions are part of life. Like you and me, they are here on a mission – to get in the way of those who allow them, to stop those they can from traveling their life’s path, to steer their victims in contrary directions, take them farther from destination, keep them from achieving and attaining. Yet, no one can blame the distractions of life for our errors and losses. Distraction does not have power in itself to stop us or lead us contrary to our determined directions. We choose which way we go, we choose who we give attention to, we choose who we follow and those choices culminate in the final decision, our ultimate destination. Every one of us miss it every once in a while. Yet, that is not the news: that is just part of life. Our deliverance dawns when we realize that we have missed it. Our escape depends on what we do after that realization. Whereas some choose to stop and go no further so as to make no more mistakes and cut back their losses, others choose to keep moving. Some would continue going the same direction knowing it is wrong, but there are those who will trail the path of recovery to discover the right way that leads to targeted destination. Whatever you do, keep moving, life is for living. And above movement, find the right way, walk the right path.

Scripture: Do not turn to the right or the left; remove your foot from evil Proverbs 4: 27.

Prayer: Dear Lord, give me a discerning heart that identifies distractions and wisdom to escape  so I can stay faithful and passionate to my purpose until I attain that for which I have been called, amen.

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SoarwithGlory is dedicated to personal and professional development. We support talent development and management for individuals and groups through training and programs promotion. Our unique and customized management strategies are designed to identify talents, and work closely with them to support the advancement and accomplishment of lifetime goals. read more

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